Poetry: The Fringes of Fall

"Restful Moments Beneath the Golden Canopy"
by Catarina C.
The Fringes of Fall
by Erin Yoo
Traversing the acme of assembly line
Of commercialized pumpkin patches,
Of manufactured masquerades,
A rusty rhinestone of fall fanatics –
There trods along multitudes of
Grey-donned masks of monotone hue,
Clad by sojourners of the grey, waveless sea,
Between frisky spring and frigid winter
The grey area with tempestuous temperatures
With no leaves, felled like fallen timbers
No leaves, intact yet liable to crinkle at the slightest crunch
No leaves of viridescent chlorophyll color
Nary a wearied spot or tear from the worn soles of rusty boots
Nary a trepidation of laughing leaf
Nary a scintillation of sage light
Across dynamic vistas of disillusioned fields
Of uncanny, echoing equilibrium
Lies an ostracized o’clock scarecrow
Possessing a moldering pumpkin than a straw-filled, callow cranium
Galvanizing sentiments more akin to bittersweet than any salubrious fear
Lies a bequeathed entity of vapidness stranded in a dry sea of burnt grain
Perching from the mountainous peak
Of a multifaceted panorama teeming with Halloween paper machetes
Stands a slight figure of billowing sheets reminiscent of nonexistent ectoplasm
Hello, Halloween
About the author
Editor in Chief & Founder
Erin's work has been recognized by several prestigious awards, including the Scholastic Arts & Writing Awards, the National High School Poetry Contest Topical Winner, the Young Georgia Authors Writing Competition, the Illustrated Poem Contest in the Southwest Georgia Section of the American Chemistry Society (ACS), Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay & Poetry Program, and the Essays on Technology Event organized by the Technology Student Association (TSA) State Conference. Her recent poems have been published in Teen Ink Magazine. I serve as a Junior Board Member and Senior Editor at the Polyphony Lit Magazine, as Chief Print Edition Officer, and on the Writing/Editing Team in The Scientific Teen Magazine.