Poetry: Don’t Fly Too Close to the Sun

"Cozy Retreat"
by Marie C.
Don’t Fly Too Close to the Sun
by Lila Ahitov
Your ethos charmed me so
Confidence and ambition laced in every breath
I was struck by cupid's arrow
You were the one with the wings
Just a slight fling
Until you flew back to town
You sought me out, for the second time
It was winter, still pleasant in the south
I returned your calls, laughed at your jokes
The bite of your words enticed me the most
My smile when your name popped up on my phone
Hinted at my growing fondness
Your continuous attempts to see me
Should’ve meant yours as well
Do you think she likes me?
You soared over to my friends and asked
They shrugged and laughed
Your smile widened
Eyes large
With interest?
With kindness?
With love?
With greed.
Your messages stopped for a day or a few
Now I know what was occupying your time
My pride did not allow me to reach out,
Competitiveness, something we shared
You would fly over again if you wanted to
Who am I to stop a restless boy with wings of wax?
The call came
My pesky smile appeared
I curse myself for the continued intrigue
Although you coast through my defenses as you do the sky
I never let you know the extent that you enticed me,
You did not attempt to hide yours
A new message popped up
I eagerly checked the name
It wasn’t you, but one of your friends
My friend.
‘He’s had a girlfriend for the past five months, just found out’
Hasn’t anyone told you not to cheat?
Not to soar too close to the sun?
I know I was not the only one you pursued.
Your ambition,
Your confidence,
Your ethos,
Turned out to be your greatest flaws
You wanted it all
I laugh at the thought
But as grapes turn to raisins,
Water to steam,
Gas to an explosion,
Wings also turn into wax,
Resulting in your demise
About the author
Since a young age, Lila Ahitov has loved writing and reading. Whether it was reading the French children's books that her Parisian mother put her to bed with or attempting the lyrics of her dad’s favorite Turkish song from his childhood, she always noticed words. “Lila,” her name, was given to her September 1st, 2008. Meaning purple, night, and beauty, and much more. Growing up in America with European parents allowed her to dabble in languages other than English, French being the one that mostly stuck. Staying close with her family and friends, and growing her cultural knowledge are continuously important to her. Lila is filled with gratitude for the freedom of choice in her future, which she hopes to include writing, travel, and law. Heavy emotions and thoughts can sometimes be a burden, and writing things, like her submission, helps her release it.